Recourse Request Process

Following the release of SQA results S5 or S6 pupils may find themselves in one of the following situations

  • SQA results were better than expected and pupils wish to consider being more ambitious in term of their subject choices
  • SQA results were poorer than hoped for, and pupils have not achieved the entry requirements for one or more of their chosen subjects.

There is a short window at the start of term (first week back) where pupils can request an adjustment to their subjects.  Requests must be approved before pupils stop attending their existing subjects. Pupils who just stop going to a class create unnecessary work for staff as we seek to ensure pupils are accounted for and safe.

In the first instance pupils who wish to consider making  a change request should speak to their Principal Teacher of Guidance (PTG) and/or their timetabled class teachers.  Where entry requirements have not been met, class teachers may suggest to pupils that they speak to their PTG.

Once a pupil had decided that they wish to formally make a change request they should complete a change request form and speak to their PTG.  Change request forms  and a full note of the process can be downloaded here as a pdf or collected from the PTG team.  To request a meeting slot, please use the relevant QR code shown below to send an email or email your PTG directly.

The process is muti-step as outlined below.  The process is outlined in more detail on the reverse of the request form.

  • Step 1 – Pupil completes the change request form and requests a meeting
  • Step 2 – Pupil meets with PTG to discuss results and reasons for change request
  • Step 3 – Pupil seeks approval of the Faculty Principal Teacher (FPT)
  • Step 4 – Pupil seeks approval of a member of Senior Leadership Team (SLT).  Year Head or Mr Gardner.
  • Step 5 – If approved by all parties, the change will be made.

Pupils requesting a change must follow their existing timetable until changes are fully approved and a new timetable issued.  

Active change requests can be seen in the pupil portal.  If at any point a previously logged change request is no longer wanted then we would ask pupils to delete these themselves or speak to their PTG or Mr Gardner to have these removed.


Please note that the deadline for making change requests based on SQA results is Friday of the first week back.