School, Authority and National Policies

Below you will find links to a variety of policies in operation or adopted by Inverurie Academy.  Policies are reviewed and refreshed on an ongoing basis and there may be times when one or more policies are not listed below if they are within this cycle of review.


Attendance  via this link

Anti Bullying via this link

Administration of Medicines  via this link

Child Protection (CP) Policy/Safeguarding 

Communication Policy (2022)

Data Protection: Inverurie Academy Parent Council Data Protection Policy (May 2022)

Exclusions policy  via this link

Feedback (Compliments and Complaints) – in the first instance via this link

GTCS Code of Professionalsim and Conduct (Sept 2021) 

GTCS Engaging online Guidance (October 2021)

Internet Safety Media Permissions and Responsible use of IT in Aberdeenshire Schools (May 2024)

Mobile Phone Policy (April 2023)

Positive Relationship Policy (PRP)

Reducing and Responding to Racism  via this link

Social Media: Inverurie Academy Parent Council Social Media Policy (May 2022)

Water Policy (April 2024)

Zero Tolerance Policy