
InverRamble – our school Podcast

Join Miss Sarran, Mr Simpson and Mr Duff on their adventure creating ‘InverRamble’ – a school-based podcast.

Our Podcast Club runs during Wednesday lunchtimes within the English department and is open to all learners and staff to attend and contribute. We love that this project represents all learners at Inverurie Academy and focusses on their interests at the core: celebrating achievement, attainment, and ambitions across the school and beyond. We consider local news for our wider community, alongside our own school news, highlighting important events in our school calendar and accomplishments by our learners and staff alike which helps to build relationships between our staff, pupils and our community. All of this is united together with areas of interest from members of our club – each episode is truly what our young people choose to discuss and what they find important in today’s society.

Inverurie’s podcasting journey began as a calling to develop talking and listening skills across the school. Each Podcaster must consider how to create an engaging segment, complete their own research, write their scripts, and present their information. At the centre of our club, we continuously promote these skills and build on learner’s rhetoric as well as underpinning the school’s values: ambition, integrity, inclusion, and respect. Each presenter learns to control potential nerves and how to communicate effectively whilst talking about something they enjoy. We are delighted that some of the learners are now taking the editing into their own hands, experimenting with sounds and styles, and contributing to each Podcast in more ways than one.

Photos taken by Brodie, S2 Pupil.

Creating a school-podcast is no easy task, and it has been a real learning experience for all involved. When it began in January 2023, no one knew what to expect of this project, or where to begin. With each episode, we developed our recording skills with our new microphone (called Francesca!) and edited each segment as best we could. Hopefully you can hear how the quality of each episode improves with every release. Our club quickly evolved with the help of our budding Podcasters – and now Inverurie Academy is leading the way in the Podcasting world, with the first of its kind on all major streaming services including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Amazon Music. Each episode is free to access and enjoy by the school population, wider community and across the world. All episodes can be found here:


As the podcast grew, we now have access to new software and two microphones – meaning we can now cover much larger areas of the school and continue improving. We are also so lucky to have supportive staff members who champion the podcast by promoting this in school and by getting involved in interviews with the learners from the club. Our school body seem to enjoy the podcast too, as we have reached over 1300 listeners overall now!

We are happy to share our latest episode above with you all, and hope you find something that you enjoy. A subscription is free and means that your device will automatically download the latest episode for you to listen each time. We really appreciate your support with our endeavours.

Mr Simpson, Miss Sarran and Mr Duff