House Information
When joining the school, each pupil is allocated a House and a First Level Guidance Teacher. The First Level Guidance Teacher takes the ten minute registration period every morning. The registration period, as well as being an attendance check, allows for long term relationships to be built up between small groups of pupils and between each pupil and his/her First Level Guidance teacher.
The register group is a`home base’ where pupils know each other well and feel valued and secure. The First Level Guidance Teacher also acts as a link between pupils and the next level of the Guidance system – the Principal Teachers of Guidance. Pupils who have older brothers or sisters already at the school will normally be placed with the same Principal Teacher of Guidance where possible.
Our six Houses and Principal Teachers of Guidance are as follow :
- Phil Littler (Barra House)
- Sian Penter (Crichie House)
- Amy Sherrington (Davah House)
- Emma Farquhar, (Harlaw House)
- Debbie May (Selbie House)
- Duncan Barclay, Acting (Selbie House)
- Scott Willis (Thainstone House)