Google Classroom and Guardian Summary Policy Update

This update was shared with all Parents via email 20/9/2023

Google Classroom is a tool within Glow (the Scottish Schools Digital Intranet). It is used extensively across the school so share information with pupils about their learning. Google Classroom also contains a feature which allows parents to receive an email (daily or weekly) with a summary of posts which can include tasks with deadlines or details of future tests, assignments and other deadlines. These are called guardian summaries. Many of our parents already receive guardian summaries. To this point, not all classes post details of home learning and assessments, so we recognise that the information parents get through this process does not necessarily reflect the full home learning picture for all students.

We are writing to you today to let you know of a small change in our policy around our use of Google classroom in recognising the valuable role this tool can play in helping communicate with home and allowing you to support your child in managing their home learning, and being a leader of their own learning.

From this week, each class (which at any point sets home learning tasks) will have an associated Google Classroom. Staff will also post details of all home learning tasks, and all assignment and homework deadlines. Some of these classes may include all pupils in the year group others may be limited to a single timetabled class. This will mean that the information available to pupils (and to you) is as complete a picture of the tasks and deadlines as possible.

We will also begin the process of linking the parental email addresses (primary contact) to our S1 pupils, and in time checking each of our S2-6 pupils to ensure there is an opportunity for all our parents (primary contact) to receive Guardian summaries.

When we link your email to your child, you will receive an email asking if you wish to accept the link. You must accept the invite to then be able to receive guardian summaries.

When you accept an invitation to link with your child, there are a number of possible pathways.

If the email we have on file for you is already linked to a Google Account, then you will have the option to receive daily or weekly summaries and be able to change this in the future, including pausing or stopping the emails.
If the email we have on file for you in not already linked to a Google Account, then you will have the option to link or create a Google account this this email. If you choose to link this then you will be able to choose the frequency of the summaries your receive.
If your email is not linked to a Google account and you do not wish to create this link, then you will only receive weekly summaries. You cannot change or pause the frequency in future but there is an unsubscribe link at the foot of all guardian summaries which will give you an opt out.
If you choose to not accept the invitation to link with your child then you wont receive the emails. To be relinked at a future point you would need to get in touch with us.

From time to time we may routinely re-link pupils producing further invites. If you do not wish to accept these, simply ignore these emails without responding. We will then be able to see an invite was issued but that it was not been accepted (or rejected). We won’t try and relink without you first asking.

Currently all guardian summaries invitations and the summaries themselves are sent from the email address;

Your email software may by default filter these out. If you have not received an invite by early next week, then please check your junk mail folders and/or add the above address to a ‘safe senders list’.

Please note that your child must have accepted their invitation to join a class before that class will appear in your summaries. Please remember too that Glow is a protected environment for our pupils, and as such the only adults permitted to use Glow are teachers and associated professionals. Parents are not permitted to access glow (for example by using your child’s username and password). However we do encourage you to take an interest in what your child does on glow using the over the shoulder approach, where from time to time they show you how they use Glow with you watching over their shoulder. It is important for young people of all ages that their parents continue to show interest in their work, and learning. Young people can message teachers through Glow. If parents with to contact the school this must be done separately from Glow.

Some more information on Google Classrooms, and further links can be found on our website.

Google Classroom Guardian Summaries

This link can also be found on the school website under the Parent Council Menu.

If you have or choose to create a linked Google account you can check the status of your linked pupils at any time using this link.

If you wish for a second guardian (over and above the primary contact) to be linked to your child please contact the school office. With details of your child (including year group), and the email you would like linked. This email must match those already provide to the school. The school office email is

While noting that we are unable to provide troubleshooting advice regarding your own email software, if you have any questions about Guardian summaries or need relinked, please get in touch and we will do what we can to support.


Struan Gardner

Depute Head Teacher