BBC School Report 2018

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Reports from our 2018 reporting teams can be found below.  Click on the title to view the report!


Our New School

We interviewed Mr Johnston to hear about the plans, and visited the site of the new school that is being built for us.


Snow Days

Our roving reporters update on the recent bad weather and how it affected our school and students.


Subject Choice

The School News team find out about the changes to the subject choice process as we prepare to move into S3.

New Uniform

The team took some time to talk with Mr Paterson about our new uniform.



We recently took part in a Hip Hop workshop to raise money for Lepra.  The story was covered by the team!


Bishop Anne Dyer

Katie and Eve interviewed Bishop Anne, the new Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney, and the first female Bishop in the Scottish Episcopal Church.  Their interview took place on international Women’s Day – how appropriate!