In addition to our Faculty Teams, we are fortunate to have several members of staff who work with us regularly as part of our wider GIRFEC team in order to provide specialist support and intervention in accordance with what our young people need.  These include:

Ashley McDonald (Educational Psychologist)

Annette Calder (School Nursing Assistant)

Regina Da Cruz Kizis (English as an Additional Language Teacher)

Karen Buchan, Karen Robertson & Linda Stewart (School Nursing Service)

Shona Lees & Suzi Sherriffs (Pupil Support Workers)

Laura Craddock (School Counsellor)

We also work with a wide range of partner agencies on a regular basis as part of ensuring our young people have access to the right support, in the right place, at the right time.  These include Social Work, NHS services and teams, Police Scotland, SCRA, and a range of other statutory and voluntary sector services.